Because I Love You Too Much Baby
Yacelis S Brube Nicholson
12th Grade
2022-2023 Winter
It feels like floating below water
Eyes closed
The calm of the body of liquid moving around you
Creating a drum
Hum in your ears
Where you would like to stay forever
I would like to stay forever
Breathing in with you
And breathing out together
Synchronized swimmers
Dancing as one
Dancing hearts beating with emotion
Drumming to elvis
Hands intertwining like vines
On houses people miss
It feels like home
Like what people write about
Your hand on the small of my back
Movements calculated but true
Our eyes move their windows
Open and shut, peering into each other
Minds acting
In debt for the other
A debt I owe, but am all too happy to pay
Feels like what songs are about
Like happily ever after, or once upon a time
The moment before our lips touch, but they hover
Floating in the water
That’s how it feels
To be loved
By you