In a perfect world
Mia Braico
12th Grade
2022-2023 Winter
TW: mentions of gun violence
In a perfect world,
We would all hold hands
Sing songs of glee.
But the world is not perfect,
And neither are we.
In a perfect world,
They would be able to see us
And hear us live our lives.
A tale as old as time.
In a perfect world,
We wouldn’t have to worry about the
or the
We wouldn’t have to worry about the constant combat.
But worry, we must,
And worry, we do.
Because if we don’t worry,
We may as well be dead.
So, because the world is not perfect,
And neither are we,
We can’t sing songs of glee.
We can’t parade around town,
Without guns nearly shooting us down.
We must do something to stop this now,
Or else the consequences will be profound.
We must wish for a perfect world to be.
We must wish for our perfect world to be free.